There are certain scenarios which can arise that would indicate it is time to replace your locks. For one, if you move into a new place, you should have the locks changed out. This is something the previous owner might not have done or might not have been able to do, on account of contractors and brokers and agents having a copy of their key. When you move, you should have the locks replaced. You just don’t know who still has access to a key and would otherwise be able to get into your now home.
Lost House Key
If you lose your house key, you should have the locks replaced. In a best case scenario, a good person would pick up the key and try to return it to you. But you always have to be cautious, and in a worst case scenario, someone could potentially figure out whose house the key belongs to. You’ve heard stories of people being followed home while out running errands – be cautious and just change the locks! In some cases, a rekey might be possible. This is something that you should speak with a locksmith in your area about. If you happen to be in or near Norcross, GA, of course our local experts can help you for a reasonable price – we offer very competitive rates, as do most locksmiths!
Another reason to replace your locks would be a break-in. This, like the other instances we are describing, would apply to one’s home, office or vehicle. Any property that is broken into is going to need new locks installed. A burglary is a difficult enough thing to deal with. There have been people who have had their most prized possessions stolen, like jewelry that was passed down from generation to generation. It is a horrible, invasive thing to experience, but if you have gone through this awful scenario, it is important to amp up your security. A locksmith can help you to do this, and they will start by replacing your locks. Perhaps if you did not previously have an alarm system installed, you are going to want one. Or maybe you will want added layers of security, like deadbolts. Maybe you will even want to go keyless. Talk to a locksmith about these things.
Divorce or Relationship Ending
If you go through a divorce, have your locks changed! Even if your divorce has been quite amicable, it is important to note that emotions can run high. It is not a bad idea to have the locks changed.
Lock Damage – Wear and Tear or Break-in
If there was damage to your locks, you should have them changed. This can occur because of a break in, or it could occur for other reasons. You will notice that your key doesn’t slip in as easily, or maybe you can see indications of damage taking place or having already taken place. Either way, you don’t want locks that are falling apart and therefore don’t offer any security. Have the locks replaced!
Read more on: Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC: When to Replace Locks