Did your car key get stuck in your ignition? Were you browsing the internet for help with a problem regarding the inability to remove your car key from the ignition? If so, we are glad you ended up here, and we are confident that you soon will be too. There are steps you can take if this problem happens to you. You might, to put it simply, have ignition cylinder problems. Or it could actually be an issue with your key. At Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC, we serve customers in Norcross, GA. We attempt to help you resolve these sorts of issues so that you can get back on the road, literally. If you are in our service area and need an expert, call us. But if you are trying to figure out how to resolve this issue on your own, keep reading, no matter where you are. If you try all the necessary steps, then you can always call a locksmith by you if they don’t solve the problem.
Maybe this is what happened – you attempted to remove the key from the ignition, and you discovered very quickly that it would not budge. You try to tug (gently) on the key to remove it from the ignition, but it does not come loose.Restarting the engine, then turning it off also does not help. This is always frustrating because you are worried that you are going to have to spend a lot of money. But this might be easier to resolve than you think!
First, you want to determine what is causing the key to be trapped.
In your first step to figuring out what to do when the key is stuck, you are going to want to figure out why it is stuck. Knowing what has caused a car key to become trapped is what will help you determine the next course of action. It could be the result of wear and tear on the ignition cylinder. This is something a locksmith can fix. It could also, in a very easy to fix situation, be the positioning of the steering wheel. All you have to do is adjust the position of the steering wheel. You can turn it back and forth while pulling on the key. The car key could be stuck because it has broken off in the ignition.Now, in this case, you either have an issue with the key or the ignition cylinder. As you can see, some issues are fairly easy to fix yourself.
Here, we are going to dive into more detail.
When the Steering Wheel is Locked…
Your car should lock/power off when the key is removed from the ignition. But in some cases, perhaps the steering column is locked and pressure is on the ignition switch. If this is happening, you might find yourself unable to take out the car key. Move your steering wheel from side to side while pulling on the key to try to get it out, if this is the problem.
Read more on: https://www.quicknorcrosslocksmith.com/news/Car-Key-Stuck-in-Ignition.html
Article source here: Quick Norcross Locksmith LLC: What to Do, Car Key Stuck in Ignition
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